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In "Pathways," Dr. Russ Barksdale helps you understand and practice the first steps in following Jesus. In this workbook there are questions to prompt thought and reflection along with space to log your thoughts. It really is a practical guide to help you walk closer with Jesus.

"Pathways" by Russ Barksdale


Pathways is a tool that helps you understand and practice the first steps in following Jesus.  In this workbook there are questions to prompt thought and reflection along with space to log your thoughts. It really is a practical guide to help you walk closer with Jesus.

We use the term, “walking with Jesus,” as a figure of speech to describe our relationship with Him. This book will help you learn how to understand who you are in Christ, how to establish or improve your devotional life, how to pray more effectively, how to read and understand the Bible better, and how to live on mission with Him.

If you are discipling someone, it is a perfect tool to use with those who is want to grow in Christ.

"So then just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude" Colossians 2:6-7

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