We use a coaching snapshot that gauges three critical areas: personal leadership, organizational leadership, and key areas for examination. Our one-on-one coaching sessions normally last between one to two hours and occur bimonthly, monthly or quarterly. The frequency and length of the coaching relationship depends on you. In addition to scheduled coaching sessions, we are available for unlimited emails and phone calls.
We use a coaching snapshot that gauges three critical areas: personal leadership, organizational leadership, and key areas for examination. Our one-on-one coaching sessions normally last between one to two hours and occur bimonthly, monthly or quarterly. The frequency and length of the coaching relationship depends on you. In addition to scheduled coaching sessions, we are available for unlimited emails and phone calls.
We’ve developed a simple strategic planning process that that will enable your team to identify the values, priorities, goals, and systems that will focus your energy and resources on your mission and vision. We use tools that highlight areas of strength and weakness in your ministry and give you clear pathways for improvement. This is two-day consultation with your leadership team (up to 12 attendees).
No church will grow beyond the leadership quotient of its leaders. For a church to grow spiritually and numerically, the leaders must continue to grow. Based on you and your team, we can diagnose areas that your leadership team needs to focus on and design a plan to get to them to the Next Level through meetings and retreats.
When a church needs to raise extra capital for procurement of land, updating existing facilities, or constructing new buildings, we have a simple and seasoned process to help you challenge your people to take their giving to the Next Level. We’ll provide you templated materials that cut time and expense, a Playbook that helps keep you informed and on track, and expert guidance from someone who has successfully conducted capital campaigns in their own church. If you don’t have highly skilled graphic artists and videographers available, we can provide quality freelancers that will work with you.
Different than a capital campaign is what many call a Generosity Initiative. The primary difference is that a capital campaign focuses on challenging your people to give up and beyond their regular giving to a specific capital project. A generosity initiative (also called a one-fund) is a process where you put your entire vision into a challenge to your people. Its purpose is to increase your people’s generosity toward all of your ministries, including some new ones. One ‘bucket’ of vision may include your ongoing ministries that includes a new staff member or supplementing a children’s or student camp so that more of your people can go. One ‘bucket” may be to increase your commitment to missions by lowering prices for mission trips or supporting more missionaries. One ‘bucket’ may include capital needs. But the end result is that your challenge your people to commit to increasing their GENERAL giving for a period of time. We’ll help you sort all that out and, as with capital campaigns, provide you templated materials that cut time and expense, a Playbook that helps keep you informed and on track, and expert guidance from someone who has successfully conducted generosity initiatives in their own church. If you don’t have highly skilled graphic artists and videographers in your church, we can provide high quality freelancers that will work with you.
As we grew our own annual church budgets from a few hundred thousand dollars to multi-millions, we learned numerous ways to fashion and form our budgets ways that applied the maximum financial leverage for maximum impact. Our team uses a number of different financial tools and bookkeeping methodologies that will enable your team run a lean, clean financial machine! We also provide an online bookkeeping service that uses all these tools and is probably cheaper than the service you are now using.
A.W. Tozer wrote, “To be effective the preacher's message must be alive; it must alarm, arouse, challenge; it must be God's present voice to a particular people.” When a pastor stands before his people, opens his Bible and preaches God’s word, there is not another time in the 10,080 minutes of the week where he can challenge and encourage more people with the gospel than at any other time in that week. Great preaching involves inspired preparation. But not everyone makes the time to prepare properly. H.B. Charles says, “A desire to preach without a burden to study is a desire to perform.” We have tools and processes to help you improve your long-term, mid-term, and short term preparation. Great preaching also includes anointed delivery. We can work with you to improve your delivery for maximum impact.